Annual circulation:  60,073

Number of new users: TBD

Number of programs:  326

Number of program attendees: 4,211


The Free Library of New Hope and Solebury continued to serve its community into the third year of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The  Library continues its hybrid approach to programming; our virtual art programs have seen considerable success as have our traditional approaches to live programming, such as Storytime.

The Library also resumed its strategic planning, by conducting community surveys and virtual focus groups through 2021. The plan will be published in the first quarter of 2022.

Migration to a new ILS system as well as other publishing complications resulted in a delay in getting materials to the public. The situation was resolved in late 2022 and the library is now up to speed on processing new materials. In June, the Library also added the streaming video service Kanopy to its digital offerings.

The Library was also the recipient of a $5,000 Build Back Bucks grant.

After a two-year hiatus, the Annual Community Spelling Bee returned with The Bookworms,  a team of choristers from Wrightstown, winning top honors. The library raised over $18,000 to be immediately applied toward operations.

Respectfully submitted,

Constance C. Hillman, Director

The Free Library of New Hope and Solebury